Saturday 21 December 2019

Tap from the Telecom oil well

Good day to you all wonderful people.
Kindly do me a great favour by reading this piece to the end.  Please don't just read, try as much as possible to ponder as you are reading.

Today I want to give us little analysis about the business world and the main reasons why we still have poverty  in the land, most especially, our dear country, Nigeria.

First and foremost, how do we identify whether a business being introduced to us is genuine or not?

_Two major attribute will make a business stands the heat of the business world;
✅It must have a product or a service
✅The product must be needed on a daily basis.

You are not still getting it right, please, listen my dear!!

Why do you think Aliko Dangote prefers selling salt and sugar to selling television??*
Whether you like it or not, you will use sugar or salt or both on a  daily basis but you can maintain a television for good ten years. Which one do you now think will fetch you more profit?? Researches shows that Dangote is earning an average of #25 on every single Nigerian weekly. Now, our population is 200million. Multiply it by #25 to know how much he earns weekly._

When cowbell came, they started putting their milk inside nylon selling it for #10 each. Peak milk saw them and was laughing at them with the believe that they will soon fold up not knowing that the brain behind their sachet milk is for everyone even the poor Nigerian have access to their milk. Guess what, peak milk is now also selling sachet milk.

Are we still together?

Ok, Let's ride on!

Now, let me ask us, where do networking & refferring comes in?

Do you believe this, God created us all as networkers. Ask me how?
_✅When you see a nice hairstyle on my head, what do you do? You ask for my barber right?
_✅ When you see a very nice cloth on me, what do you do, you ask for my tailor right?

Doing all these on a daily basis is called what? Referring right? Will your tailor or barber call you to give you some amount for refferring customers to him/her? Mind you, you are not only referring people to him, you are networking him as he gets more customers.

Now, what about networking?

How do Dangote salt get to you on a daily basis? How do cowbell, bigi drinks, and others get to you daily? The answer is simple through networking. When you buy their products,  you tell others to buy and consume as well.  By so doing, you are networking them.

Is that clear sirs and Mas?
Now let's see what is going on in the telecommunication sector?

Researches made us to realize that we have over 250 million active sim cards in Nigeria. I know you are trying to ask me why? You  know our population is 200 million plus now. Some people are having more than one active card.
Through these sims, telecom companies( MTN, GLO, 9MOBILE & AIRTEL) generate 14 billion daily, 446billion monthly and 21.4trillion annually. These whooping amount is being contributed by you and me on a daily basis. Banks saw this and neglect their primary assignment of keeping our money, partnered with these companies so that they can distribute their product to us by a technological innovation called VIRTUAL TOP UP ( VTU). From these alone, banks were allegedly tapping 30 billion Naira annually from this whooping sum of 21.4trillion. Banks earn #5 from every #100 we recharge from their bank app and still charge us SMS alert of #4.

The big minds behind BITMINUTES saw all these and sacrificed over #200million to also get this license from the telecommunication companies.

Hope you  are getting all these information?

Now, He said, I will not run away with all the #5 profit on #100 recharge. I will pay you #5 back, I will pay you 3-10% from every transactions of your  direct and indirect referrals for life. BITMINUTES says We will keep paying you down to your 5th generation . Every activities happening in your account, your downlines, the downlines of your downline, down to your 5th generation even  If you are sleeping, you will still get paid._

This reminds me of Warren Buffet popular quote;

"If you don't find a way of making money while sleeping, you will work till you die"

BITMINUTES do not stops there, also promises us to earn 12% on our wallet balance annually and the percentage will be coming daily till it yielded to 1 year

And many more...

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